Do you get mouth clicks?
So whether we you’re doing voice over work, a podcast or streaming one of the things that can be a real issue for some people is the dreaded mouth noise! But what is mouth noise I hear you say??
Tips for getting started on Fiverr
For all it’s flaws, if done right, Fiverr can be pretty lucrative.
Building a community
Building a community around your content can really, really help you grow. It doesn’t have to be for twitch, this can go for voice overs, artists or any creative industry, especially if you’re working from home as it can be quite isolating.
Places to practice
When you start out in voice over or if you’re just thinking of giving it a go, it can be really daunting to know how or where to start.
Do you have the right voice?
Do you have the right voice for voice overs? I’ve heard so many people say they would want to try voice overs, but they just don’t have a ‘good enough’ voice, or they don’t like their voice. SO I thought I’d set the record straight.
Pay to Play sites
This is a pretty controversial topic at the moment and I’ve heard a lot of conflicting views. A lot of established artists will say you should have absolutely nothing to do with them as they underpay and generally devalue the industry overall.
Marketing yourself for Voice over
One of the biggest things I’ve leaned in this industry is that jobs don’t just fall in your lap. Even if you’ve signed up to several P2P sites and are looking to get an agent, one of the most effective ways to get good recurring work, is to network. Network your little butt off! Building relationships is key to making this stuff work for you.
Going the extra mile
But once you find your career is starting to move in the right direction and you’e dealing with bigger clients and better pay . . . how far is that extra mile?
Getting a foot in the door
There are so many different thoughts around how to break into the industry and where to start. Most will say start with coaching and acting classes and work on your technique. But once you feel like you’re ready, how do you look at getting your first gig? This was one of the first big questions I had and was also the one with the most divided opinions.
Starting out
One of the most common questions I get asked by people is ‘Voice acting? How do you get into that?’
It’s not the easiest question to answer as it’s such a varied industry and most people have a different story about how they got started. There’s no real right or wrong way to break into voice acting, but here’s how it worked for me.